Military Hospital |
1918 (postcard). The Lakewood Hotel, located in Lakewood, NJ, was converted to a military hospital during World War I. (Special Collections, George F. Smith Library of the Health Sciences) |
Suppositories |
Ca. 1930 (tin). Warner-Chilcott Laboratories, located in Morris Plains NJ, produced this box of suppositories. (Special Collections, George F. Smith Library of the Health Sciences) |
Plumbing Traps |
1891 (illustration). In 1891, the New Jersey Board of Health annual report included 18 pages of analysis and illustrations of plumbing traps — the turn in a pipe that prevents the reverse flow of fumes from the sewer into a house. (Special Collections, George F. Smith Library of the Health Sciences) |
Reed & Carnrick |
Ca. 1920 (replica trademark). Reed & Carnrick Company, located in Jersey City NJ, manufactured and sold medicines, and published Medical Pocket Quarterly, a journal promoting the health benefits of the company’s products. (Special Collections, George F. Smith Library of the Health Sciences) |
Arch Props |
1905 (receipt). James W. Arrowsmith of The Arrowsmith Manufacturing Company, located in Chester NJ, held a patent for an “Arch Prop,” an innovation in footwear design. (Special Collections, George F. Smith Library of the Health Sciences) |
Terp Heroin |
1920 ca (product labels). Terp Heroin, produced by Foster’s Pharmacy in Newark NJ, was once considered a safe and effective expectorant for tuberculous patients and children with bad coughs. (Special Collections, George F. Smith Library of the Health Sciences) |
NJ Board of Health Reports |
1877 (title page). The New Jersey Board of Health (now the New Jersey Department of Health and Senior Services) has issued annual reports on the state of health in New Jersey since 1877. Link to Reports. (Special Collections, George F. Smith Library of the Health Sciences) |
Medical Pocket Quarterly |
1920 (magazine cover). Medical Pocket Quarterly, published from 1920 to 1951 by Reed & Carnrick in Jersey City NJ, was a free publication for physicians that promoted the company’s products. (Special Collections, George F. Smith Library of the Health Sciences) |
Disposable Scalpel |
ca 1955 (package front & back). Bard-Parker Company, Inc., located in Rutherford NJ, sold this disposable scalpel which was based a cold sterilization technique that eliminated the need for heat-based sterilization. (Special Collections, George F. Smith Library of the Health Sciences) |
Frank Leslie’s Illustrated News |
1870 (illustration). Frank Leslie’s Illustrated News, published from 1852 to 1922, depicted bathers enjoying the curative effects of the sea at Long Branch NJ in July 1870. (Special Collections, George F. Smith Library of the Health Sciences) |